Cash advance to crew without interest has been granted to seafarer’s of Fair Shipping Corporation, basically to assist the crew defray necessary expenses for documentation related to seafarer’s contract for employment and embarkation, such as expenses for training, local clearances and VISAS for entering foreign countries, but most of the bulk has been for crew’s personal loan needs.
The 3rd 6,400 car capacity Pure Car and Truck Carrier (PCTC) promised by our Principals, Excel Marine Co., Ltd. to be manned by the company’s full Filipino crew this year has been successfully delivered on September 27, 2010, after the MV Garnet Ace and MV Bess last July 8 & 23, 2010 respectively.
Fourteen (14) days after its last new delivery vessel, another newly build vessel was delivered by the company's well experienced and trained and highly skilled and competent Filipino seafarers.
Two (2) latest addition vessels to the company were newly delivered, 5 days from each other, at Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Ulsan, Korea and at Tsuneishi Shipbuildyard, Balamban, Cebu, Philippines, respectively.